It pays to pass the word on.
100 € reward
You convince a friend or acquaintance to complete one of our training programmes: Betriebswirt:in (IU) or Ökonom:in (IU).
200 € reward
You convince a friend or acquaintance to study with us – in IU Distance learning, IU Dual studies or IU myStudies.
300 € reward
You’ve successfully recommended a partner company for IU Dual studies? Then fill in our bring-a-company form and send it to study counselling.

This is another way to recommend us
Tell your study buddy about us
When filling in their online application, your study buddy mentions that you recommended them
As soon as your study buddy is fully enrolled and has submitted all the required documents, you receive your reward
Note: Your recommendation can even be given before you officially start your studies. In order to receive the bonus, it is only important that you have student status at IU as soon as your referred friend starts studying. This is how you can start your studies together!