At IU, your studies are 100% digital thanks to AI-supported study tools – whether you’re at the beach, in your camper van, or sunbathing. What are you waiting for? Soak up the sun and start your studies.
If you enrol for an online study programme by August 29th using the code SOMMER24, you save 1.444€, get a free iPad and can apply for a 1.444€ refund as new top benefit if you graduate within the standard study period.
You can start your studies until February 28th, 2025.
Geh Deinen Weg. Mit uns.
Chef:in werden wie Rita
- Rita hat auf ihren ihren BWL-Bachelor neben dem Beruf an der IU ihren Master in II Managmenet absolviert.
- Heute ist sie Lead in der Logistikbranche und Professional Success Award Gewinnerin der IU.
- Als alleinerziehende Mutter und Karrierefrau schätzt sie die Flexibilität des Masterfernstudiums.
„Das Fernstudium-Konzept der IU war wie für mich geschaffen: Lernen, wann, wo und wie ich wollte. Keine festen Zeiten, die Prüfungen flexibel und überall Standorte zum Ablegen der Klausuren.“
Expert:in werden
Im Fernstudium stehen Dir Master- und MBA-Programme aus sieben Fachbereichen zur Auswahl, darunter Wirtschaft und Management, Gesundheit und Soziales oder IT und Technik.
Mit vielen spannenden Spezialisierung, die genau auf die Bedürfnisse des Marktes zugeschnitten sind, kannst Du außerdem Dein Karriereprofil ganz individuell schärfen und Dich zum gefragten Profi in Deinem Fachgebiet entwickeln.
Aufsteiger:in werden
16.500 mehr im Jahr, verdienen Akademiker:innen durchschnittlich. Mit einem Master-Abschluss in der Tasche steigt rein statistisch gesehen Dein Einkommenspotenzial.
Viele Arbeitgeber honorieren das zusätzliche Qualifikationsniveau und das tiefergehende Wissen mit einem entsprechenden Gehaltsniveau. Denn: Sie wissen, was sie an einem weitergebildeten Teammitglied haben.
Als Wirtschaftspsycholog:in verantwortest Du wichtige Schlüsselfunktionen, die Du dank Deines Masterstudiums im grundlegenden Bereich der Psychologie, der Empirie und klassischer wirtschaftspsychologischer Themen ausführen kannst.
Master of Business Administration
Du willst beruflich aufsteigen und Deine Managementkompetenzen auf Top-Niveau bringen? Starte jetzt mit Deinem MBA-Fernstudium als 60 oder 90 ECTS-Variante. Außerdem bieten wir etliche MBA-Spezialisierungen an wie Digitale Transformation, Engineering Managment oder Health Care Management.
M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence
KI ist die Zukunft. Studiere AI und werde zu.:r gefragtesten Expert:in von morgen. Unseren AI Master bieten wir auch mit Spezialisierungen wie AI in Fintech, Computer Vision oder Automotive an.
Verschaff Dir einen Überblick zu unseren Mastervarianten.
*Bitte beachte, dass je nach Programm weitere Aufnahmekriterien gelten können, wie z.B. Englischkenntnisse oder ein Bachelor mit spezifischem Schwerpunkt. Die genauen Zulassungsvoraussetzungen findest Du auf der Seite Deines Wunschstudiengangs.
Still looking for the perfect match? Check out our study programmes
Discount campaign
The discount is only available for first-time enrolments in our bachelor’s and master’s online study programmes until 29.08.2024 and only to non-students of online study programmes of IU International University of Applied Sciences. The studies must be commenced by 28.02.2025 at the latest.
With this promotion, you get a discount of 1.444€ at enrolment anda free iPad if selected in the online application. As part of the promotion, IU Internationale Hochschule GmbH will refund a further 1.444€, if the study programme is successfully completed within the chosen standard study period (“cashback reward”). The standard study period for the selected study programme is determined by the information on page 1 of the study contract or, in case the start of your studies is postponed, by the contents of the corresponding supplementary agreement. The date of the last examination required and passed according to the applicable study and examination regulations is decisive for the successful completion of the studies.
If the standard study period is reduced due to the recognition of previous achievements and qualifications within the framework of the study and examination regulations or changes due to a change in time model during the course of study, the amended standard study period established in the supplementary agreement is decisive. The cashback reward is forfeited if the student switches to another study format during their studies or if they do not complete their degree within the standard study period. To apply for the refund, you must contact within one month after graduation. If you apply for the refund at a later date, it will not be paid out to you.
The first month of your studies is free of charge, if you decide against studying with us during this trial phase. If you continue with your online study programme, the first month counts as a regular month and will be charged as such.
New study programmes
The following study programmes will be launched at a later date. You can pre-enrol in them now to secure your discount:
02.09.2024 B.A. Digitale Transformation, B.A. Finanzmanagement, M.Sc. Industrial and Organizational Psychology 60 ECTS-Punkte, M.Sc. Wirtschaftspsychologie (für Wirtschafts- und Kommunikationspsychologen; für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler) 120 ECTS-Punkte, M.Sc. Wirtschaftspsychologie 60 ECTS-Punkte, M.Sc. Industrial and Organizational Psychology 120 ECTS (Englisch)
02.12.2024 B.A. International Management, B.A. International Management (Englisch), LL.B. Wirtschaftsrecht,
16.12.2024 B.Sc. AI in Business 180 ECTS credits, B.Sc. AI in Business - Digital Marketing & SEO 180 ECTS credits, B.Sc. AI in Business - Finance 180 ECTS credits, B.Sc. AI in Business -Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals 180 ECTS credits, B.Sc. AI in Business - Human Resources 180 ECTS credits, B.Sc. AI in Business - Marketing & E-Commerce 180 ECTS credits, B.Sc. AI in Business - Production 180 ECTS credits, B.Sc. AI in Business - Sales & E-Commerce 180 ECTS credits, B.Sc. AI in Business - Transport & Logistics 180 ECTS credits, B.A. Marketing und digitale Medien,B.A. Online- Marketing und E-Commerce
15.01.2025 B.Sc. Marktforschung und Werbepsychologie, B.Sc. Personal- und Organisationspsychologie, M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence 120 ECTS credits
03.02.2025 B.A. Angewandte Germanistik
03.03.2025 M.A. International Relations 120 ECTS-Punkte (Englisch), M.Sc. Applied Data Science 60 ECTS-Punkte (Englisch)
17.03.2025 B.Sc. KI im Management, B.Sc. KI im Management - Digitales Marketing & SEO, B.Sc. KI im Management - Energy & Utilities, B.Sc. KI im Management - Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, B.Sc. KI im Management - Manufacturing & Engineering, B.Sc. KI im Management - Marketing & E-Commerce, B.Sc. KI im Management – Personalmanagement, B.Sc. KI im Management – Produktion, B.Sc. KI im Management - Retail & E-Commerce, B.Sc. KI im Management - Transport & Logistik, B.Sc. KI im Management - Vertrieb & E-Commerce
01.04.2025 M.A. International Development 120 ECTS-Punkte (Englisch)
02.05.2025 B.Sc. Psychologie, B.Sc. Altersspezifische Störungslehre, B.Sc. Digital Mental Health, B.Sc. Kinder und Jugendpsychologie, B.Sc. Kriminal- Forensische und Verkehrspsychologie, B.Sc. Personalentwicklung und KI, B.Sc. Positive Psychologie, B.Sc. Pädagogische Psychologie und e-Learning, B.Sc. Psychologische Störungslehre und Psychopathologie, B.Sc. Sportpsychologie und Psychische Gesundheit, B.Sc. Wirtschaftspsychologie, M.Sc. Künstliche Intelligenz 120 ECTS-Punkte, M.Sc. Künstliche Intelligenz 90 ECTS-Punkte
16.06.2025 B.Eng. Erneuerbare Energien, B.Sc. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung
15.07.2025 B.Eng. Digital Engineeirng
01.09.2025 M.A. Applied International Relations 60 ECTS-Punkte
01.10.2025 M.A. Applied International Development 60 ECTS-Punkte
People who have already registered (online) are not eligible for the discount. For the advanced training programme of Ökonom (IU) and the four Betriebswirt programmes (IU), the discount is only applicable to a connecting online study programme at IU International University of Applied Sciences. The discount voucher cannot be redeemed for cash. The discount cannot be combined with other campaign or cooperation discounts.
iPad campaign
Every student who enrols at our university of applied sciences for the first time in a bachelor's or master's degree, myStudies programme or participates in an online training programme at IU International University of Applied Sciences (IU) and has a home address in the European Union will receive an iPad (Wi-Fi enabled, Bluetooth) to use free of charge for the entire duration of their studies. This does not include participants in FlexLearning, corporate trainings, special programmes and special cooperations. Participants without a home address in the European Union can receive the iPad, provided they indicate a registered address within the European Union. Additional costs for data transmission apply. The delivery of the iPad depends on the actual availability from Apple and will be carried out shortly after the start of your studies via our external service provider. If Apple delays delivery, the delivery will be delayed accordingly. The iPad remains the property of the service provider for the entire duration of the online study contract. If the student fulfils the online study contract in accordance with the agreement and successfully completes his studies, ownership of the iPad is transferred to the student when the online study contract ends.
If the online study contract ends prematurely (e.g. because one party cancels it or for other reasons), the student must return the iPad in working condition within one week of the contract ending. The return is at the student's expense via a courier arranged by the external service provider. The external service provider will handle any case of a technical defect, battery replacement, or other technical issues. The details are specified in the usage agreement.
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within one month without giving any reason. The withdrawal period is one month from the day you received access to the teaching materials. You will not be charged as long as you withdraw within the trial month.
If you enjoy studying with us, you simply continue after the trial phase expires. In this case, your first month is considered a regular and fee-based study period. You will only be charged for the first month after the end of the trial phase.
The contract can be terminated with a notice period of one month to the end of a full month based on the contract start date until the end of the first five months.
After the first five months, the contract can be terminated at any time with a notice period of three months to the end of a full month based on the contract start date. During the free and fee-based extension according to 2.2 after the expiry of the standard study period according to 2.1/2.2, the contract can be terminated at any time with a notice period of one month. The termination must be in text form (e.g. via a termination request in the Campus Management System, termination via a form on the IU online studies website or by e-mail).
We are here for you
Do you need help with your decision? Your personal study advisor is happy to help you!