We are here to support you!

Do you have an impairment or chronic illness and are looking for ways to optimise your studies? Then you've come to the right place! This is because, on this page, you will find information on the compensation mechanisms in place for impairments, your contact persons and networking opportunities.
Study – according to your needs
Flexible time management
Virtual community

Your motivation can move mountains!
Family, job, handicap or being different: none of these are barriers to writing success stories. Our students prove this day after day and tell you their story here.
Equal opportunities for all

If you have a health impairment or chronic illness, you may be eligible for disadvantage compensation.
Our tip: Register directly with the Exams Office as soon as you are enrolled at IU and one of the aforementioned criteria applies to you. Our Exams Office will be happy to show you what your options are, for example:
Extended writing time
Extended study time
Our Student Registrar’s Office (Studierendensekretariat) and Examinations Office (Prüfungsamt)

Your contact persons
If you are a student with a health-related impairment, you face challenges big and small every day to achieve your goals. We want to stand side by side with you:
The Student Registrar’s Office (Studierendensekretariat) and our Study Coaches will help you organise your online study programme.

We embrace inclusion!
Our volunteer networking team for inclusion, consisting of lecturers and interested students, contributes to the inclusive design of IU. You want to network with other students with impairments or chronic illnesses? Then simply send the team an e-mail: teaminklusion@iubh-fernstudium.de

Equal Opportunities Officer
The collective action of our University is guided by the principle of equal treatment. Therefore, we attach great importance to the preservation and strengthening of equal rights and opportunities for all members of IU. Our Equal Opportunities Officer is responsible, for example, for ensuring equal opportunities for all members of the university and eliminating disadvantages.
What counts is you: We are here for you!
Your tutors
Your Study Coaches
Your community
We are here for you
Do you need help with your decision? Your personal study advisor is happy to help you!
You'll find all of the important information about your study programme and IU International University of Applied Sciences in your personal brochure.

What you get for free
Information material
Information on study content & electives
Career prospects
Information on financing options